Listed below are some eclectic resources available, depending on what you might be interested in learning more about. A compilation of books, websites and articles that might bring interest or curiousity.
The Center for Prophetic Imagination is a non-profit organization that not only provides online programs for Spiritual Direction, but is also an incredible wealth of creative, spiritual activist resources. It is well worth checking out.
cloud cult
Cloud Cult is a local, Minnesota band, but that barely touches on the aspect of what Cloud Cult truly is. This group of artists utilize many aspects of multi-media and art that digs into a space of raw, genuine, life, that is so preciously rare and special. Allowing Cloud Cult into your life will be a true gift of experiencing palpable divinity. I don’t have the words to accurately explain, so you should check out their bio on their website.

Labyrinths are ancient spiritual pathways found across the world. Labyrinths today continue to offer symbolic journeys inward, toward a quiet divine connection. I have utilized cloth labyrinths and also outdoor labyrinths for spiritual practices and peaceful reflection. Paths of Peace offers resources and amazing options for labyrinths.
Christos Center for Spiritual Formation is located in Lino Lakes, Minnesota where there are peace-filled acres of trees to explore, an outdoor labyrinth, and a cozy house dedicated to offering space for retreats, workshops and spiritual direction sessions.

Mary C. Bruno, artist and long-time friend, owns the coolest, old school letterpress print shop EVER! Her posters and cards hold more beautiful wit than you know what to do with, and her group print parties she offers are nothing short of amazing!
Mary’s Instagram illustrates a lot of her work.

The Center for Humane Technology’s mission is to align technology with humanity’s best interests. They envision a world with technology that respects our attention, improves our well-being, and strengthens our communities. I believe the work they are doing is some of the most important work when it comes to caring for our youth.

Want to read a cool book? Want to write a cool book? “Portland (and Cleveland!)'s most colorful, authentic, and empowering publishing house and distributor, Microcosm Publishing & Distribution is a vertically integrated publishing house that equips readers to make positive changes in their lives and in the world around them. Microcosm emphasizes skill-building, showing hidden histories, and fostering creativity through challenging conventional publishing wisdom with books and zines about DIY skills, food, bicycling, gender, self-care, and social justice. Microcosm was started by Joe Biel in a bedroom closet as a distro and record label in 1996 and is now among the oldest independent book publishing houses in Portland, OR.” Check it out!
Here is an interesting yet brief “shout out” to spiritual companions from a New York Times article.
An excellent article that compiles different spiritual practices into one place. From, “Psychology Today,” titled, “5 Spiritual Practices That Increase Well-Being.”
Two additional articles that discuss the physical experience of “Frisson,” or getting the chills, that I talk about on the "About Lee" page.